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Workspace Jedox Core Models
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 20, 2023

Profit margin in % between 2 accounts

As a customer I want to define the profit margin in percentage between 2 (or more) accounts.

At the moment this is only possible between 2 legal entities

Such percentages are independent of Legal Entity, and are valid for all relationships between all Entities.

  • Guest
    Aug 14, 2023

    Hello Ajish,

    I have now received a short response from the customer, which essentially contains what has already been described:

    The customer would like to eliminate intermediary results:

    -10% for the account 100,000

    -12% for the 200,000 account

    -15% for the account 300,000

    Such percentages are independent of Legal Entity, and are valid for all relationships between all entities.

    A more concrete scenario is not mentioned.

  • Guest
    Jun 22, 2023

    I am still waiting for the client's response to your last questions, Ajish.

  • Admin
    Ajish George
    Jun 20, 2023

    Can I have more details? May I know the business scenario where required profit margin between two accounts?