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Jedox Ideas

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Integrated Financial Planning

Showing 21 of 1286

Add documentation on how to add an additional dimension

Please add a documentation on how to add an additional dimension. Which reports need to be adjusted? Which Integrator processes? Which rules? The documentation would help to enhance the solution for customers faster.
6 months ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Integrated Financial Planning 1 Future Consideration

How to videos with a face

It would be great to have "How To" Style videos. In which we explain (with a face) how what works. And only with Intro and Outro Music. For educational and information (max. 10 Min). Would be great in a 3 type series for the IFP Model'' What is in...
6 months ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Integrated Financial Planning 0 Future Consideration

Account for Different Fiscal years e.g. 1st of July to 30th of June

Account for Different Fiscal years e.g. 1st of July to 30th of June 
7 months ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Integrated Financial Planning 0 Future Consideration

IFP - Upload data for Accounts: PnL, BS, CC

Please adjust the dimension structure upload for the dimensions: PnL, BS, CC and all other dimensions which have the same case: Currently I download an empty excel file and upload it. If I click on download again the excel file is again empty. I c...
8 months ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Integrated Financial Planning 0 Future Consideration

IFP - Add loan planning

Add loan planning to the IFP model. It would be great to add as it is a part of the balance sheet it should be added. Loans result in interest charges in the PnL. Intercompany loans could be included too.

Have AI predictions for Cost Center Planning Data

With a predefined Datamodel preparing an AI configuration based on Costcenter data should be easy to do. This will bring customers closer to the usage AI earlier in the project to generate more value out of available and probably already purchased...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Integrated Financial Planning 0 Needs Feedback

IFP - Add a new projected balance sheet solution to the IFP

Please add a projected balance sheet solution to the existing IFP model. Research how it is currently implemented to use the experience of most projects.

Create Intercompany Planning Report

Would be great to have an dedicated report to disaggregate Total Revenue into Revenue third party and Intercompany revenue. At the moment, that is already possible by entering the respective revenues with selecting a IC Partner. So that additional...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Integrated Financial Planning 0 Internal Review

Add Strategic Planning in BPA Foundation or Finance

The strategic planning approach that is used in OnePlatform should be integrated in our Best Practice Accelerators, as enhancement of the existing Version management/ Create Version section. With that, customers should be able to create new scenar...

Add simpler report templates

Reports: Provide more Reporting templates (simpler reports w/o forecasting, only one column for actuals, summary reports)
over 1 year ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Integrated Financial Planning 0 Future Consideration