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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 27, 2023

Add "Dummy" dimensions in cubes

Model: Add "dummy" dimensions in the financial cubes to make them more dynamic.
Currently we need a lot of effort to add dimensions to existing Accelerator cubes like PnL, BS and CF. We need to adjust every formula and rules and ETL processes. E.g. we need to add in financial projects the cost center dimension to the cubes PnL, BS and CF.

We do not need the Partner Entity. This dimension is only needed in context of the Financial Consolidation model. Therefore I would recommend to remove that dimension and instead:
adding cost center and one or two dummy dimensions which can be used for other topics depending how customers plan.

This process would lower our efforts extremely when customizing the Accelerator to the customer needs.

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2023

    Ideally, the model should be built dynamically according to the choices made by the administrator installing the BPA model.