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Jedox Ideas

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Jedox Platform

Showing 262

Excel 365 addin: Expand dimension to show all elements

It is currently not possible to automatically expand a Total Element of a dimension to all children. Meaning in a hierarchy with 3 or 4 levels, I have to open each and every consolidated element and thereafter mark all the elements. A possibility ...

Bring back addFileNameColumn in directory/ file extract

As of Version 23.4 the distinct directory extract has been deprecated in favour of the option to select to extract either a single file or a directory within the file extracts. While doing this the addFileNameColumn option of the directory extract...
5 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 2 Shipped

If an element has only one element below only the top element is shown in POV

Wenn you are creating or editing a view with the new 365 excel add-in and you have an element which has only one element below, always the top element is shown in the view / POV.In all other cases (and in the old l-egacy add-in) the choosen elemen...

Table aggregation|concatenation separator.

Possibility to add the separator for aggregation type -> group concatenation. It could be ,.;[]#XX!, etc. Currently, the separator by default is coma ",". Sometimes we need to do a step after where we split things in columns based on the separa...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Shipped

Action - Hyperlink to Canvas sheet

Unfortunately it is not possible to set a hyperlink to a Canvas sheet - see screenshot. Would be good if this is possible.
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Shipped

Add public-facing IP address to cloud console for each instance

Clients often need to whitelist the IP address for the Jedox Cloud server, which requires submitting a ticket and waiting for a reply. This should be available in Cloud console.
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Shipped

Select Element Dialog in Excel 365

In the standard Excel Add-in it is possible to use a function PALO.ESELECT to visualize an element as well as change it by double-click. But in Excel 365 it does not work - just nothing happens. It is necessary to implement an element selection in...

As Visibility flag in button, combobox, ... add a Rendering flag

It is possible to hide a button (or another element) by using the "Visibility" property. In Canvas, when a button is hidden, the space occupied by the button remains present. For aesthetic reasons, it would be preferable for the space to disapp...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Shipped

Allow copy of values in Data preview

when previewing data you sometimes want to copy a particular value, without exporting the whole preview. Copying strings directly from the preview would be nice, e.g. per right-click
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Shipped

Ability to add visibility logics to objects in Canvas

There are times where based on certain variables A user would like to see/not see certain objects in Canvas.For eg. a pie chart showing revenue distribution by products across 12 months is shown on canvas, but the user wants to look at a detailed ...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Shipped