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Jedox Ideas

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Jedox Platform

Showing 269

Snapshots in the Excel 365 Add-in

Currently, there are cases where Excel files containing Jedox data are shared with Auditors, board members, or other stakeholders that don't directly belong to the company and don't have an add-in account. For them, it doesn't matter to access sta...

Dynatables/New views - Sort database and cube by alphabet instead of creation date

Please sort the database and cube selection in the order of the letters of the alphabet. View screenshots. Currently the order of database and cubes makes it difficult to find the database and cube quickly. Please sort it the same behavior as in s...
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Shipped

Excel 365 addin: Expand dimension to show all elements

It is currently not possible to automatically expand a Total Element of a dimension to all children. Meaning in a hierarchy with 3 or 4 levels, I have to open each and every consolidated element and thereafter mark all the elements. A possibility ...

Bring back addFileNameColumn in directory/ file extract

As of Version 23.4 the distinct directory extract has been deprecated in favour of the option to select to extract either a single file or a directory within the file extracts. While doing this the addFileNameColumn option of the directory extract...
7 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 2 Shipped

If an element has only one element below only the top element is shown in POV

Wenn you are creating or editing a view with the new 365 excel add-in and you have an element which has only one element below, always the top element is shown in the view / POV.In all other cases (and in the old l-egacy add-in) the choosen elemen...

Table aggregation|concatenation separator.

Possibility to add the separator for aggregation type -> group concatenation. It could be ,.;[]#XX!, etc. Currently, the separator by default is coma ",". Sometimes we need to do a step after where we split things in columns based on the separa...
12 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Shipped

Action - Hyperlink to Canvas sheet

Unfortunately it is not possible to set a hyperlink to a Canvas sheet - see screenshot. Would be good if this is possible.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Shipped

Publishing a report / application in a separate window and prevent re-login after log out

we have the case, that we give our sales team access to a planning application, but we won't give them access to the suite. so the became a link and the application opens in a separate window. but when they log out, the log in mask automatically a...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Shipped

Add public-facing IP address to cloud console for each instance

Clients often need to whitelist the IP address for the Jedox Cloud server, which requires submitting a ticket and waiting for a reply. This should be available in Cloud console.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Shipped

Select Element Dialog in Excel 365

In the standard Excel Add-in it is possible to use a function PALO.ESELECT to visualize an element as well as change it by double-click. But in Excel 365 it does not work - just nothing happens. It is necessary to implement an element selection in...