Adding a description field to the Database would allow better documentation of the type of data in the database. Dimension and Cube descriptors are helpful, and this would enhance the documentation. Tags would also be useful (like Dimension "Type"...
Drillthrough decimal symbol same as on screen/report
Decimal symbols are currently linked to the user-locale. English setting will give a dot (.) as decimal symbol whereas the Dutch setting, for example, will give a comma (,)
This feature works on the screens/reports, but this does not happen with ...
Challenge: Currently users are allowed to save/ post data to the closed periods. Eg: 2022.Dec, financial report is approved and published. Users are not supposed to alter/ change this data. However, currently in Jedox it is possible.
From, Actual Months rule template, "If fiscal year is used, it returns a list of the first months of each fiscal year." The partner wants the rule template to give t...
Allow the Admin user account to be removed or deactivated in Jedox suite
Whilst you need to ensure that there is always at least 1 account that is a member of the Admin role (via a group), it does not need to be the default Admin user account that is shipped with the product. The issue is that this is a basic authentic...
Aggregate lists of elements for each dimension in PALO.DATA functions instead of single.
A PALO.DATA function refers to single base or consolidated elements for aggregation. It would be fine to be able to define subsets of elements to get a sum of these,
Additional argument in PALO.DATA function to omit hashtag (#) sign for data splashing
There are uses cases when data input on consolidated level is required and using # is only an additional step for end-user. PALO.DATA function should have an optional argument that would enable inputs on consolidated levels without using #.
Whe you have a lot of attributes in an dimension, you always have to scroll to the right to maintain all attributes. But as the first column (element name) is not fixed, the element names get out of the screen. So you always loose the link between...
The rule editor is very powerful but hard to understand from a business user point of view. The user interface could be improved in terms of usability and structure.
A grouping of rules in a folder structure would help a lot here rather than havi...
I wonder if the Delete Cube button can be moved to the far right, making it the last button accessible. Recently, I accidentally pressed the Delete button instead of the Clear button and ended up losing all my day’s work. This was incredibly frust...