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Jedox Ideas

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Jedox Web Navigation

Showing 419

Fill the cell behind DynaRange automatically with value upon dragging/copying/pasting

Upon creation of a DynaRange, the original cell in which it is created is currently automatically filled with an initial value. When moving/dragging or copy/pasting a DynaRange to another cell, this original value is not copied to the new cell. Un...
over 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Add option to define default Jedox olap connection

Add Option to define Default Jedox Olap Connection. In the Modeller, the first Olap connection is always selected in alphabetical order. This can easily lead to the wrong connection being used. For example, a static connection in the wrong rights ...
over 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Styles on element names in a DynaRange SHOULD be retrieved and applied.

Currently in the KB it says: Styles on element names in a DynaRange cannot be retrieved and applied. ( But if I have a DR with measures, I want the format I specify i...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Provide option to Save Integrator Project from Time Editor

When a dimension is created or edited in the Time Editor an Integrator job is created, executed and destroyed. I would like to save or create the integrator project.
about 4 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Add close options in the tabs

Quite often many tabs are open with different reports. They all have to be closed individually. Having some options when right clicking on the tab to "close all" or "close all others" would be a nice addition.
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Disable mode for user controls

Option to set criteria to enable/disbale user controls (perhaps similar to how you can currently show or hide these). The issue with the current functionality is that users are either able to interact with a user control (such as a workflow submis...
over 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Future Consideration

Show cube dimensions under cube in navigation pane hierarchy

Whit large implementations, where many hierarchies and cubes exists, a lot of time is spent on finding and scrolling to the hierarchies related to the cube being worked on. Although the forward and back buttons help a lot, it would also be great t...
over 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Future Consideration

Add Polish and Slovak to Jedox languages

The suggestion is to add the following two languages as supported by Jedox Web: Polish (pl-PL) Slovak (sk_SK) This should allow the user to change the language of the UI - Jedox Web as well as to use it to translate elements/attributes/reporting i...
over 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Allow Cube to Cube drillthrough

Cube-to-Cube drillthrough would allow cubes to be linked logically for users and assist in data discovery. The drillthrough would use the shared dimensions for a particular drillthrough intersection to create a view on the destination cube.
over 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Future Consideration

Create global variables to make modeling easier

Global variables available across the whole platform would make integration, modeling and planning much more simple and unified. One way of doing this is with setting keys (there could be other, better ways to achieve this). Right now, setting key...
almost 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration