Move buttons, charts, comboboxes etc. with arrow keys
The efficiency of final report layouting could be improved:
Positioning of buttons, charts, comboboxes via mouse is not exact enough.
Positioning of buttons, charts, comboboxes via the control properties dialog is to inefficient if you have to a...
Reduce minimal column width of Element column in dimension editor of the Modeler
Even if element names are all short it is not possible to reduce the column width of the column Element in the dimension editor of the Modeler according to the element names because there seems to be a minimal width for that column. This minimal c...
Full screen/ zoom button to maximise the report content on the web
Current Painpoint: Limited visibility to report content Suggestion: A full screen/ zoom button to maximise the report content (similar to the "Standalone" mode when generating a link for a report, but on demand, with a single click); hence users w...
Customized link in Hyperlink Action Button function
It would be great if we could have customized link when trying to execute action button. Currently it is only possible to select it but sometimes files which we want to access are generated dynamically.
Improve batch pdf to support multiple output files
Version 6 enables generation of multiple XLSX files (compressed into a zip file). This should be extended to PDF generation. Now, when PDF generation is done on reports for multiple variables, this exports only 1 pdf aggregating all the reports. I...
Drillthrough decimal symbol same as on screen/report
Decimal symbols are currently linked to the user-locale. English setting will give a dot (.) as decimal symbol whereas the Dutch setting, for example, will give a comma (,)
This feature works on the screens/reports, but this does not happen with ...
Nested Frames (one frameset within another frameset)
The current function to use framesets is nice, but still a bit limited as framesets cannot be nested into each other.
Sometimes you use a frameset for the overall application design - esp. to provide global menu bars and navigation structures.
When you mark a cell as Writable in a web report it by default shows the L bracket. This is ugly, especially on a large blank area. The work around is to change the format of the cell, but why force everyone to go change the format. It is also not...
Give me an "Edit" and/or "Jump to" button to open Designer for a Dashboard object
It would be great to have the breadcrumb trail's last dashboard title to be a link to the Designer, opening the canvas report directly. And at best add a "Jump to" button as well to help finding this feature (see screenshot attached).