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Jedox Ideas

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Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word)

Showing 59

Enable usage of variables for paste views in the JOA 365 add-in

In the old/legacy add-in you had the functionality that you can use a variable manager for adding or using existing variables by editing the paste view and select elements. Please implement the variable function for the JOA add-in as well. Due to ...

Google Sheets Jedox Add-in

More and more clients seem to be leveraging Google sheets instead of Excel. Anaplan is pursuing this strongly, and we need to consider making this an option as well.
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word) / Other 0 Future Consideration

Expose writeback rights in the Add-in setting

Currently, there's an object in the Role Groups called "Cell Data Excel" that allows to define independent writeback rights in Jedox Web & Excel. E.g., a user could writeback from a Web Report but not from Excel, however, this function is not ...

Option to Deactivate to Automatic Update of Palo Formulas in Excel after Opening an Excel File

With the Excel add-in we have the issue that if somebody without Jedox access opens the file he gets value errors as Jedox automatically connects as soon as the file is opened. We have other tools for which we can deactivate the update functionali...

JEA installer that can be pushed out via Intune

We have ~40+ Jedox users in our organization and getting the JEA add-in set up, or updated, is a horrible messy time, because the installer is not friendly for IT administrators. Jedox should have an installer that enables IT mangers to push the a...

Display No Access to non access elements instead of #Value

When we setup a security at dimension level, some users are set as N to prevent an access. In report spreadsheet, the element is displayed in a single cell (not using dynarange). But when non eligible user open the report, the particular element t...

Simultaneous entry of a new value in several different selected cells of a report in Excel

In a report in Jedox Web, it is possible to select several cells and enter a value simultaneously. This behaviour would also be desirable for the Excel AddIn.
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word) 0 Future Consideration

"real" alias as substitute for principal element name (everywhere)

No description provided

Better / easier handling of old reports for the new add-in

Reports created with legacy add-in should be usable without the need to detach views & rebuild them in new add-in. This will help users collaborate easily using 2 different add-ins depending on their setup.
11 months ago in Jedox Platform / Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word) 0 Future Consideration

Excel Add-in for Mac version

With Mac getting so prevalent in the business environment, Jedox Excel Add-in should work in the Mac environment as well as the MS OS. This feature is probably more important than working in Google sheets