Allow Signing onto Jedox via LinkedIn, GMail, etc. IDs
Many websites and SaaS applications allow a user the option to login with their LinkedIn, GMail, or similar account by aggreeing to link their login credentials. The obvious benefit to the Jedox end user would be less passwords to remember or rese...
Weighted Average option for mutiple element POV selection in pasteview
Jedox currently displays a straight average in a pasteview report when we select multiple element in a dimension. However it would be useful to have weighted average option that the report can display . In the below example we attempted to use mul...
More user guidance when using rule templates with list result in Rule Editor
Some query types for rule templates return a list of elements, for example the query "Dimension element like (list)". Variables with a list result can only be used in specific places in rules and require correct syntax. However, the Rule Editor st...
When setting formats in modeller on a dimension, could we set a default format for all items and then adjust from there? In Jedox 2020.1 we have element formats. It would be great if we could set a 'default' number format and cell styles that is a...
We have major frontend performance issues, which stems from the HIDEROW() and HDECOLUMN() functions are not performing well. However, with the current Jedox functionality, these are key to nice UI, so increasing performance would really help out.
Request for extending the support lifecycle of software
Currently, Jedox supports each software versions only for a year, but it's difficult to annually upgrade Jedox running on a production environment for many users. Therefore, please c...
In addition to current support (motd and custom login page), Jedox should also support "white-labeling"; add support to exchange visual references to Jedox e.g. Jedox logo with custom graphics. This should be supported across the product, starting...
Currently Jedox Spreadsheet supports Workbooks with Sheet dimensions compatible with Excel 2003 - 256 columns (A-IV), 65535 rows. Newer Excel Version (2007+) support 16384 colums and 1048576 rows. Such workbooks can be loaded into Jedox Web but th...