We do have our own frameset as a start page for regular users. An additional "reports"-tab that only links to a frameset that is automatically opened anyway is unnecessariy and confuses people.
To improve the "Calendar" in the Extract in the Jedox ETL
Now, we can get the following result by the type "Calendar" in the Extract in the Jedox ETL.
All Months;"Half year 1";"Quater 1";"Jan"
All Months;"Half year 1";"Quater 1";"Feb"
All Months;"Half year 1";"Quater 1"...
Currently in the ETL TableJoin Transform we only have the possiblity to define a join on an exact match of key fields in the right and left data source.
It would be great to be able to define a matching range (intervall) for the right data source...
In Excel, let users choose to which Jedox Web connection to publish when multiple connections are available
When a user has multiple Jedox Web connections available (e.g. for Dev and Production) the "Publish" functions as well as Data Driven Modelling etc are just using the "default" Jedox Web connection. It would be good if users could actually select ...