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Jedox Ideas

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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 2, 2019

RANGE join, RANGE lookup and RANGE map

Currently in the ETL TableJoin Transform we only have the possiblity to define a join on an exact match of key fields in the right and left data source. It would be great to be able to define a matching range (intervall) for the right data source. In SQL this would be: SELECT * FROM leftSource JOIN rightSource ON (leftSource.joinField >= rightSource.range_start) AND (leftSource.joinField <= rightSource.range_stop) Example: left source ------------- column "joinField": 250 right source --------------- column "range_start": 200 column "range_stop": 300 This would then give a matching record. Same request is applicable for Map-FieldTransform and Lookup-FieldTransform! Thanks :)
    Jul 2, 2019
    Done for Join and Lookup (function LookupInterval) in 7.0 SR1. For Map planned #32965
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    Actually it was already announced to become implemented in 2012: (statement no. 5)