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My ideas: Financial Consolidation Model

Showing 28 of 1274

Sample data and reports for notes in the Finanical Consolidation model

The sample configuration should be extended by some sample configuration and sample data for notes and according reports

Excel reporting package for the Financial Consolidation model

Provide an Excel template for collection of separate financial statements for one entity and in one reporting period. Add a self-service interface for end users to upload separate financial statements using this template.

Various imported manual journal entries should be organized in different subfolders.

The import folder for manual jourmal should allow subfolders so that journals from different departments can be placed in different folders. There is currently no option to navigate to subfolders in the import folder. The selection box in the "...

Operate workflow steps on consolidated level

As a power user of the Financial Consolidation model I want to proceed (or restart, see related idea)) multiple workflow steps at once so that I don't have to repeat this multiple times. This should be possible on any aggregated element above the ...

Provide an interface to the Integrated Financial Planning model

Provide an import interface (e.g. as an Integrator job) to import the separate financial statements of one or multiple legal entities from the Integrated Financial Planning model. The interface should map the monthly amounts to the required year-t...

Execute the Bring Balances Forward procedure for multiple reporting periods at once in the Finanical Consolidation model

Extend the bring balances forward procedure to populate the opening balances for multiple reporting periods of the same fiscal year from the same prior closing period with one execution.

Storage, input screens and import interface for trial balances in the Financial Consolidation model

The database should be extended by a storage of trial balances in local charts of accounts. Data should be either imported from a file in a standard format or/or captured from input screens. The input screens should cover values for ledger account...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 0 Future consideration

Option to choose additional scope while posting journal

Challenge: User has to copy journals to reflect the journals to multiple scopes Detail: The system currently designed to post journals to a particular scope by considering different accounting standards (IFRS, US GAAP) and currencies for different...

Equity reclassification and reflection to Investment Register

Challenge: Manual effort to reclassify accounts and no single place to view all the investments Detail: Period1: Investor originally invested 200K to Investee (Subsidiary). Period2: Investee booked 15K as current period retained earnings. Period2:...
11 months ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 1 Will not implement

Allow Sub-consolidation journals using manual consolidation to be automatically reflected in Total Group level.

Sub-consolidation journals using manual consolidation are not reflected in Total Group level. The user expectation is to automatically apply all manual journal entries (Adjustment 1, Transition, Correction or manual consolidation entry) to all sup...