Disabling feature for Access list in Cloud console
The Cloud console lets you add new access rules for IP filtering. Once created, rules can be edited or deleted, but they cannot be temporarily disabled. It would be useful to add a button to enable or disable a rule.
It is important to be able to extend the ability to synch models beyond just the current region (you cannot right now). Clients may want to have back up instances in different regions. I wanted to transferer a model from US to Germany Instance and...
In order to secure Jedox cloud console, i purpose to add an MFA to access to the cloud console. Actually, there is a simple Email/password but it's not enough securised.
Allow changing contact email from the Cloud Console
For some partners, the main contact by the Jedox Support should be the partner instead of the customer. It would be great if this contact could be chosen by the customer or partner instead of always contacting the person from the contract.
According to the knowledge-base and how things currently work, accessing the DB security (screenshot) within Jedox Cloud is only possible through either the built-in user "admin" or a user which is member of the built-in group "admin". Also access...
SAML: Allow filling display name and email address fields from the IDP
When setting up the SAML mapping using SVS scripts, it is not possible to fill the display name and email address field of the new user with the information from the active directory. Only the user name can be set. This has to be done manually aft...
I often get the feedback from users, that the save button for the user assignment to a license is not quite visible. Because of that, users sometimes assume that the assignment change is saved automatically after clicking the checkbox. So, it woul...
The text is cut off for a report with a long text/comment, as you can see in the screenshot.
If the user tries to scroll down to read the whole text, it does not go down; instead, it goes to another cell. The user still cannot read the whole text.