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Jedox Ideas

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Planning & Analytics

Showing 213 of 1275

Dashboard Engagement Analytics

Provide viewer analytics on the dashboard engagements focusing on three categories (Glanced, Quick Read and Deep Read) with additional data such as time spent on dashboards and click counters. This could be further enhanced by creating a balance s...
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / In-Memory DB / Jedox Web Navigation / Views 1 Future Consideration

Add Actions to KPI Card

Adding Actions to KPI card would lead to greater consistency in Canvas, and via the Hyperlink action would allow you to switch from the KPI card to a Spreadsheet or Canvas report dedicated to the followed indicator.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 2 Future Consideration

Checkbox for single working sheet download

Please offer a checkbox for single working sheet download (instead of standard option of downloading the whole workbook)
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration

canvas - add "guess arguments" feature

In a spreadsheet when adding a new formula I can select "guess arguments" and it will automatically find the corresponding variables and dynaranges to fill the palo data formula. Currently in canvas I need to select every variable manual...
8 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Maps integration

For dashboards and data visualisation, our customers are using maps (google, ESRI, OpenStreetMap, etc) as data visualisation tools. For example, if you have a store, and customer dimension, you could have Latitude-longitude attributes, based on wh...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / Charting & Visualization / Jedox Web Navigation 2 Future Consideration

canvas - select combobox value without "Designer preview" modus

As a report builder I don't want to click first on "Designer preview" everytime I change the value of a combobox. E.g. I want to select "2024" instead of "2018". To do so I need first to select "Designer preview", then select "2024", then deselect...
9 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Native Canvas Input Field

I think it would be very helpful if a native input field was created and added to the list of native canvas components. My vision for this would be a input field you could drag into a canvas which the end user could type into. This input would be ...
2 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 5 Future Consideration

Holds need to be easier to see

It would be very useful to have an icon or other indication which cells are being held with a Hold Statement. Currently Doohickey's/Dept 1 is being held (highlighted in Yellow), but there is not a way to determine that from visually looking. Worse...
5 months ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB / Planning & Analytics 0 Future Consideration

Dynatables/New Views - Add "Hide empty elements"

Please add the feature "hide empty elements" for all selections. So if I have a list of products and I select "hide empty elements" it should show me only those with data. So "old products" which I need to keep to compare current data with old dat...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Microsoft Office integrations (Excel, PowerPoint, & Word) / Views 1 Future Consideration

Dynatables/New Views - View data in system cubes and with system dimensions

Please add system cubes and cubes with system dimensions to new views / dynatables. Background: In most customer projects we have a cube named "Report Management" with 2 dimensions: Report and #_GROUP_. The dimension "#_GROUP_" is a system dimensi...
7 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration