Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
For dashboards and data visualisation, our customers are using maps (google, ESRI, OpenStreetMap, etc) as data visualisation tools.
For example, if you have a store, and customer dimension, you could have Latitude-longitude attributes, based on which you can put markers, or bubbles onto the map. This is very useful if you would like to have a geographical visualisation of the data, e.g. how stores are performing in a country, and so on.
Jedox. does not have an out-of-the-box tool, we tried the widget but its a bit complicated for business users.
So the data source could be a table, where you have customers in the rows, with lat/lon attributes and the next 2 columns for bubble size/color.
Context: For example in commerce, we could show the stores on a map, with relevant sales figures in pop up boxes. Users usually love it, but it has business value as you can visualise your stores on a map where you can see where are those stores located (city center, suburb, etc) Also we used map areas like county to highlight a bigger geography area to see a sales in a county, country etc. Also pinned stores on a map can be used as a selector for example see a detailed sales table/chart for Frankfurt.
Another example: I pick a store and I would like to see an area where this store can be reached in 15 minutes drive time. This sound sci-fi but exits. It returns a shape that is within this drive time.
I can go on forever on this :)
We are working with visual crossing on other projects and these map applications could really improve dashboards.
Thank you for your great idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog. If you can add further information about the context of this feature, please add it here so we can evaluate it more fully.
Full support for this idea! In our migration project to jedox platform we faced the same problem: old platform could visualize stores on a map (by x and y coordinates as two colums in the data - e.g. WGS 84 format), now we have to find a workaround to save this feature. It would be great to have this feature direct in a jedox visual (There are some great open source map libraries (like leaflet) out there that could may be easily integrated).