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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!


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Showing 1272

Combobox (Label and List) layout

Rendering of combobox should be improved with new properties like height, border-radius, border-width, border-color, , font-size, position (to fix combox in report without using Frame) For consistency purpose, we should have the same properties in...
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Simple conditional formatting when a cell is rule or consolidation based.

Clients often ask if we can highlight which cells can be entered into and which cannot. Of course we can work around this, but if there is a large table of details (say in a Dynarange) it adds a lot of workings to the sheet. It would really help i...
about 2 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration

Jedox Excel Addin for Office 365 (connection issue) or option to remove

Hi, I couldn't find any article on how to remove the Office 365 addin once it is installed. It always loads with Excel. There is a KB on uninstalling the old addin but there is nothing for the new addin. I am an Independent consultant and have my ...

Option to set alias as default value

It should be possible to preselect the alias as the default value to avoid confusing users with IDs defined as base elements. The setting should be made user-specific.

Dashboard Engagement Analytics

Provide viewer analytics on the dashboard engagements focusing on three categories (Glanced, Quick Read and Deep Read) with additional data such as time spent on dashboards and click counters. This could be further enhanced by creating a balance s...
almost 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / In-Memory DB / Jedox Web Navigation / Views 1 Future Consideration

Give description of Password policy inside User Management

Recently, we introduced a password policy for users. On the platform itself nowhere is explained how the policy should look like. Users need to google or check in KB for that information. It could be a small display below or icon "i" where on the ...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 2 Planned

Enable Trace Cell Value in Excel 365 Add-in

In the classic Add-in, it's possible to use right-click to access the "Trace Value" option which allows you to have overall information on the value calculation, path, etc. This is a needed feature in the new Excel Add-in

User warning on changes in Report Management

The user is confused, when adding a new report, or published an existing one, that the report does not show in the menu. When a user adds new reports or publishes existing ones, the user wants to get a pup-up message with a hint that the user must...
11 months ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / Foundation 1 Future Consideration

Roll-back of write actions when execution of Integrator job fails

When executing an Integrator job that writes data to a database with limited user permissions in that database, it could happen that the job does not complete successfully because some write actions fail (due to missing permissions of the user). I...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Future Consideration

dynarange - vizualization of drilldown possibility

DynaRanges already allow to give basic formatting and define which levels are displayed and which can be drilled down to. At bigger Jedox rollouts we faced the difficulty to point out to users that they can drill down certain parts of the report a...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 2 Future Consideration