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Jedox Ideas

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Search results: Jedox Platform

Showing 203 of 212

Excel / Spreadsheets: paste relative or fixed formulas

Please consider an enhancement to Jedox Paste data function and Paste view. This would allow the user to select whether the Excel formula would be relative or fixed before pasting into a spreadsheet. This would help in building spreadsheet and w...
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Other 1 Not Planned

Lists: combination of POV alias, and attribute lookup

Lists allow looking up some attribute for an element e.g. in the POV (using PALO.DATA function, or - in 22.3 - the new simplified syntax, ${dimension|attribute}. This can be used to e.g. lookup the correct "previous period" for an element in the t...
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 0 Not Planned

Ability to copy a stored view

To be able to select a view and create a copy either on the same cube to a different cube (with matching dimensionality)
about 3 years ago in Jedox Platform / In-Memory DB 0 Not Planned