Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
Lists allow looking up some attribute for an element e.g. in the POV (using PALO.DATA function, or - in 22.3 - the new simplified syntax, ${dimension|attribute}.
This can be used to e.g. lookup the correct "previous period" for an element in the time dimension.
This expression can also be used in a List label. However, it currently can not be combined with an "Alias" (e.g. "friendly name) which might be used on the POV. You can either use the element selected in POV with its Alias using $!"dimension"} syntax, OR you can use the attribute lookup, but not both at the same time.
A new syntax would be needed, e.g. ${!"dimension"|"attribute"}, or ${!${Months"|"attribute"}}
Example case:
time dimension in POV, selected element is 2022-01, alias "Friendly name" is used, "January 22" is shown
List used ${"Time"|"PreviousPeriod"} for coordiante; returns Element 2021-12
List label should be able to show the "friendly Name" value for 2021-12, "December 21"