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Jedox Ideas

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Jedox Platform

Showing 1183

Trendlines in Web Diagrams

In Excel it's three klicks from a simple diagram to a diagram with a trend line - no matter if linear, polynomial or moving average. In Jedox Web I have to create the data for the trend line on my own. Important for Charts in Production
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Charting & Visualization 1 Not Planned

Undo in Integrator

There is no way of undoing a change in Integrator rather than reloading the whole ETL Project. Once a change has been made one is forced to save! Would be helpful if you can leave a changed integrator component without saving it.
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 1 Planned

Allow inspecting performance details for specific reports

Performance monitor for each report on runtime to analyze what is consuming the most time. Is it e.g. calculations, conditional formating, cube access and so on. Like the F12 analyzer tool in web browser with an waterfall diagramm.
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration

Canvas - Add hyperlink function (formula) for native buttons

Add hyperlink function (formula) for native buttons. e.g. =HYPERLINK(rngReportingFolder&rngReport,iInfo,"Click to view#simple") With the hyperlink function I can retrieve the path from the resource sheet and/or from an attribute. That means I ...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

DOM Tree/ component selector

Often it is not easy to see all the components on a canvas, especially if they are a bit more complex. Furthermore, hidden objects are not visible on the canvas by default. To make the canvas more accessible to the user, a hierarchical object tree...
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Expression editor

Like other low/no code platforms, the approach to directly edit properties of components on the canvas through expressions is super helpful. n To simplify this for users an editor, which offers available objects/properties (in form of a data picke...
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Combobox/ Components: Creation through drag and drop (e.g. from a dimension)

Something to consider for a beginner friendly assistance to create a canvas: Instead of creating a component (combobox), this could be simplified the following way: The user just picks a dimension from a given list and drag & drops it onto the...
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Import Integrator Projects from SFTP (with ELT Project)

As a consultant, I would like to upload Integrator Projects from an SFTP Server. Basically, we would like to have the basic functionality of the "Import" option within the Integrator as a function that we can use within an ETL Job. This way we cou...
11 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 2 Future Consideration

maxPostSize standardmäßig höher einstellen/Set maxPostSize higher by default

Hey Jedoxians, ich habe nun bei mehreren Kunden das Problem gehabt, dass dieser keine PDF Exporte erstellen konnte, weil maxPostSize zu gering eingestellt war. Mein Vorschlag ist es, dass bei allen Kunden bzw. allen neuen Kunden in der Cloud diese...
11 months ago in Jedox Platform / Other / Planning & Analytics 0 Future Consideration

Add the option "Wait for job to be done" to the scheduler action

For the moment, we can't have a scheduler action and then a download file action. (The download action is lauched before the end of the scheduler). It will be interresting to have the option "Wait for job to be done" (like with integrator action) ...
about 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Jedox Web Navigation 0 Future Consideration