Whe you have a lot of attributes in an dimension, you always have to scroll to the right to maintain all attributes. But as the first column (element name) is not fixed, the element names get out of the screen. So you always loose the link between...
Add an option to customize the design and colors of the Jedox web interior, e.g. to better distinguish between different environments (live vs. test)
When users have to switch between environments, it is often very difficult for them to "quickly" recognize which environment they are on. It can happen that the wrong data is used, e.g. plan data is accidentally entered in the test server instead ...
Currently it's painful to edit a picklist in the stored subset editor, requiring careful use of the ctrl key etc to not lose the initial selection. If the picklist editor could function like the element selector in the Edit View/Paste View selecto...
canvas - KPI card source can be a named range or cell reference
Backgrund: Currently in a KPI card I can only choose a database and a cube to show a number. Request: I would like to show a calculated number e.g. (Balance sheet data): Liabilities / divided by equity to show the debt to equity ratio. Why: I can ...
Ability to format Calendar Object to match look and feel of report
The Calendar object you can drop in a Websheet is set in it's look and feel. So it really sticks out as ugly if you have a very different theme. Prospect pointed this out to me today. Other objects like Combo boxes allow a change to the format, so...
Allow view creation to use DATAC formulas when pasting
The Jedox support team recently told me that to improve performance of a view, we should be using DATAC formulas. However, the formula type is set within the Paste View Options, and DATAC formulas are not even offered as an option. We have to choo...
Beside selecting a date from the datepicker, the input field should also be filled manually without selecting from the datepicker. So the user can choose if he wants to select the date from the datepicker or if he wants to enter the date manually....
The rule editor is very powerful but hard to understand from a business user point of view. The user interface could be improved in terms of usability and structure.
A grouping of rules in a folder structure would help a lot here rather than havi...
In many reports I need to consider date intervals. for example beginning is
2012-11 and end is 2015-03
Calendar is
- All Years
- Year
- Quar.
- Month
So a macro calculates all needed Elements:
- 2011-11, 2011-12, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015-Q1
This is...