I want to add a new palette to the "Default series” of palettes in the global settings. By clicking ‘add new palette’ it would open a "Brand Palette form” where I can add the following minimum hex colours: Brand main colour Brand fade colour 1 Bra...
When printing PDF pages it is sometimes needed that you can define where the page are broken, so that you can control what is shown on page 1, 2 etc. This is a feature which will improve the usability for the viewer of the reports made in Jedox.
Check In / Check Out mechanism for workbooks in Jedox Web (+versioning)
Please provide a safety mechanism for efficient team development.
Currently if you work with multiple developers on one server it will not be rejected that 2 persons do changes on the same workbook at the same time. The last one who is saving the ...
Similar to SAP, a new connection type to DATEV should be offered, ideally with pre-built extract types, to be able to quickly generate master and transactional data in Jedox.
It is very helpful that Jedox has implemented the first semi-additive measures in version 6.
(AVG, Last/First Child)
It would be great if this could be continued by 2 more of them:
Most important would be AverageNonEmpty, to get an avarage o...
With this function it is very simple to display reports/canvas centered in another window with the option to hide the scrollbars and window titles with one click and to darken the background color. It is no longer necessary to build a frameset to ...
Instead of only having a color as backgorund, it should be possible to select a background image. This would allow to have a background image with all frames placed on top of it
Move buttons, charts, comboboxes etc. with arrow keys
The efficiency of final report layouting could be improved:
Positioning of buttons, charts, comboboxes via mouse is not exact enough.
Positioning of buttons, charts, comboboxes via the control properties dialog is to inefficient if you have to a...
As a report designer, I want to set up a lower and upper limit to a value cell so that users are not able to capture meaningless values to the system. Further Details: Example: Scope of consolidation report, where user to capture direct ownership ...