Provide the ability to define themes for charting in Jedox Web, allowing users to define default styles for chart components such as titles and labels and define custom color palettes to align with corporate branding and style guides.
Action button for Integrator to include option for dialogue box
Dialogue box will allow users to define variables prior to running the job. Action options will have to allow for the selection of variables to be shown so not all appear.
implement the new XLOOKUP function in Jedox Web. The function is present in the latest versions of Excel and does the same as VLOOKUP but more powerful
Ability to add a stored view or paste view object in Canvas
Currently a paste view or stored subset can be viewed in canvas by creating a frame and inserting frame as an object in canvas. We need the ability to add a stored view as a direct object in Canvas
alphabetical order for groups of worksheet elements
worksheet elements are grouped in pictures, comboboxes, checkboxes, buttons and labels, which is good, but within those groups it would be good to have a logic for the order such as alphabetical order for each group. example attached
Better calculation stack when tracing a rule calculated cell with overlapping rules
In complex planning situations, separate rules calculating identical cube areas are required, using CONTINUE and STET statements. This has the advantage of separating out logic branches to make calculations easier to read in the Rules Editor in Mo...
As part of the field transform, it would be helpful if the net working days selection option could be provided as an additional unit in the DateDuration function and this would output the number of weekdays between two dates.
I'd like to see an option to put groups under a hierarchical structure. This could be extremely useful for jedox rights e.g. group_dimension_data. At the moment i've to grant or revoke access to dimensions for each group. If we could have a hierar...
Integrator Action: Add timer in modal feedback window
When the modal integrator window is selected, it would be very helpful to have a timer here as well that calculates hh:mm:ss for the process to run. This would give better feedback to the users, particularly with long running processes :