Possibility to control which levels of a hierarchy in a combobox with subset is expanded, when opened the first time. Same option exists for dynaranges allready.
Having the possibility of hiding/collapsing single frames in a frameset in report-manager would help increasing usability.
Assume you are working in a 2-frame-environment using one frame only for navigation purposes it would be helpful to collap...
ComboBox of the concatenate multiple attribute values on the Spreadsheet
e.g. [attribute values] code name 00001 storeA 00002 storeB 00003 storeC ・ [ComboBox values] (current) storeA storeB storeC ・ ↓ (Want function) 00001 : storeA 00002 : storeB 00003 : storeC ・ Basically, we would like for Comboboxes to have the same...
History of hierarchy and consolidation factors (weights)
A possibility to set consolidation factors depending of several dimensions would dramatically increase the slowly changing dimensions (SCD, see Kimball's bibles) management possibility of Jedox OLAP server.
in 2014 is my Regions hierarch...
In addition to the export functions (PDF, HTML, XLSX) there should be a function for printing.
Right now, users who want to print a report have to export first and print then. Better doing this in one step.
this would be greatly useful to have a method to get the number of rows returned by an ETL component, such as:
It would be pretty cool if the confirmation dialog in an action button could process html. This would make the dialog much more user-friendly, instead of just a flat text as it is now.