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Jedox Ideas

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Showing 79

Looping Balance Forward (Long term planning)

The Balance forwarding process should be extended to multiple years to support long term planning circles. e.g. like 2023-->2026

Install old model versions from marketplace

As a user of the model installation from the Jedox marketplace I would like to select the model version from all releases from the past so that I can install a model version with a know-to-be-good quality. In the vast majority of cases the latest ...
over 2 years ago in Jedox Platform / Marketplace 0 Planned

Add XBRL feature

To export the data (send to the goverment) add an XBRL feature. It should export all relevant KPIs using the XBRL.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Best Practice Accelerator (BPA) / ESG 0 Planned

Find and Replace - XML editor

It would be very useful to have the possibility to instead of only find, to have a find and replace option. Then users could edit things faster and help them spend less time in the editor. The alternative is to copy the text in some other editor. ...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 2 Planned

Add packet size option on Snowflake relational load

Hi all, When loading data into Snowflake, it inserts lines by small packet of lines. I wish I had a parameter in the load to set the "Packet size" manually to a higher value when I have to deal with large amount of data. Many thanks
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 2 Planned

BYOK log-in capabilities

Dear Jedox Team, one of our customer, who currently uses competitor's tool, would like to switch to Jedox due to security concerns. They were mainly looking for being able to have BYOK log-in capabilities, with the keys stored in their HSM. Additi...
5 months ago in Jedox Platform / Other 0 Planned

IFP - Add loan planning

Add loan planning to the IFP model. It would be great to add as it is a part of the balance sheet it should be added. Loans result in interest charges in the PnL. Intercompany loans could be included too.

Enlarge SQL editor

The fields for editing SQL code are ridiculously small, especially in the vertical direction. Most people doing development work use a large monitor, so the size of this area should be generous by default. Alternatively, it should be responsive or...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Planned

Deactivate Job or Load Rows in Jobs

It would be nice to have a checkbox for each row in a job that would deactivate or activate it. Use Case: I have a job with 30 load rows ; let's say that I want to temporarily deactivate the 16th because I suspect it to be wrong. Now I have to del...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 0 Planned

CPU usage in Cloud Console does not show the number of cores

We need to understand how many Cores are avilable to get any use out of the CPU usage KPI. 70 % usage on two core is a lot different from 70% usage of 16 core.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Planned