When I add an image (native component) to a canvas report I would like to allow the end-user to click on this image to open another report. Therefore please add actions so it can be interactive.
Capacity to manage multiples Active Directory in Cloud
When we are facing prospect with many subsidiaries, they often have their own Active Directory. Jedox does not support it. Some of our competitors (like Board) offers this functionnality which penalizes us on deals.
when writing macros or script code in ETL it is often difficult to find out what went wrong and when it went wrong.
The only way at the moment is to scan the log files for error messages.
For development it would be helpfull to have a debug mode ...
Make Global color palettes available in the Jedox-Designer
I want to be able to access the different series of palettes in the designer when I design reports. Most importantly, as a client, I want to access our company's own palette in the colour picker of the design tab (see attached ‘Colour Picker.png’)...
Dyntable - create possibilty to export the chosen data
Please create a possibilty to export the data as shown in the dynatable to excel, like in a xls-snapshot. This would be very helpful for quick data analysis.
It would be very useful to have an icon or other indication which cells are being held with a Hold Statement. Currently Doohickey's/Dept 1 is being held (highlighted in Yellow), but there is not a way to determine that from visually looking. Worse...
There is documentation on what acceptable characters are in Jedox web, Integrator, OLAP. However, this is not enforced by the interface. The Interface should only accept characters that the whole platform can use and enforce these rules.
Drill anywhere is a really useful feature of Jedox. But at the moment, it can just be used for viewing the output in a separate pop-up window. It would be a much appreciated feature if it was possible to download/export the output as CSV/XLSX.
When creating lists, there are a lot of limitations as of now. It is not possible to use proper functions in (dynamic) list creation (Excel-like functions like LEFT, but also PALO functions like PALO.EPARENT). Also, there is not enough documentati...
Interactive AI Canvas Object for Data Analysis and Insights
Introduce a new canvas object in Jedox that enhances data exploration and understanding directly from dashboards. Key functionalities could include: Data selection for analysis: Users can define which data points or data sets from the dashboard sh...