Add the ability to different a second color per series in bar charts or column charts optionally; the second color would be used for negative values, i.e. values smaller than zero.
It would be nice to be able to define an element in an hierarchy as standard element. This would mean that when splashing on the parent the full value would be written on this element rather than splashed onto all the underlying elements. This wou...
Paste NOT only for visible area (especially when using dynaranges)
Unfortunately in Jedox Web copy&paste is only possible for visible areas of the report.
When working with large dynranges people often export reports to excel first, then they fill in their numbers (e.g. sales revenue planned) and want to past...
The KnowledgeBase needs functionality to switch the language
Currently, most of the Jedox articles are provided with English in the KnowledgeBase.
Since the Jedox is used around the world, could you please consider to add the functionality to switches the languages to the KnowledgeBase?
Investgate the cause of crash from crashdump, log file
Issue : Currently, can't investigate the cause of crash server from crashdump, log file.
In order to investigate the cause, we need the following information
1. Jedox log folder.
2. Crash dump files.
3. requests.txt file (Jedox Suite\olap\data).
This would be great to be able to deactivate filters in Extracts. For instance, Extract cube, I have 3 rows, and I want to remove the 2nd temporarily. At the present time I have to delete it, I would like to be able to deactivate it only.
Storage, input screens and import interface for data by operating segments, geographical areas and other custom dimensions in the Finanical Consolidation model
The database should be extended by a storage of data in local charts of accounts by operating segments, geographical areas and other custom dimensions. Data should be captured from input screens.