Execution window headline should be relevant and configurable, "Stop execution" button should be configurable
JEDOX web job execution shows the popup window with the Headline as "Execution Status". “Execution Status” label should be configuration by us. Can we configure to disable “Stop Execution” button.
Generate "config.inf" file for regular install of Jedox Excel Add-in setup using CLI
When the Jedox Suite Setup (AIO) is installed via command line, a file "config.inf" is generated, where all settings applied by the user are recorded and saved. This is done in CLI by using the parameters /SAVEINF="config.inf" and /LOADINF="config...
I've named my databases and my groups in a way it would be easy to create a rule to setup access rights automatically. i.e. all groups starting with "PR_" have an access to the "PR" database. The issue is that we don't have access to the rules for...
Regular expressions allow for matching several columns at once. We would like to have an easy way of ordering columns via RegEx, so that column order is not dependent on simple order operations like "ascending","decending" and also multiple column...
This would allow REST Integration builders to insert "pauses" in their projects without writing groovy. The idea would be to allow for pauses after a request is completed before executing the next step in the process. With a standard REST / JSON e...
Saving Markers in a file can speed up service start because no recalculation at startup will be necessary.
A procedure for triggering recalculation will be needed.
Ability to control/specify which symbol is used for data points ,e.g. for Actual, Prev. Year , Budget, Forecast different symbols needed as of those automatically assigned by engine #18238