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Jedox Ideas

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Showing 1292

Embed Live Jedox Data in Word for Dynamic Reporting

As a Word user working on disclosure reporting in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) or Legal Consolidation, I want the ability to insert specific Jedox data and reports directly into my document. This means I need a feature that allows m...

Build reports faster - allow data entry

Currently, when I create a report I have many selections and have to click multiple times until I have the correct variable/expression selected.Across the components I often need to select: a variable, a named range, an expression, etc. In earlier...
12 days ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 0 Future Consideration

Descriptions or tooltips for canvas cell styles.

There are currently almost 30 cell style buttons (some having very similar names) and while creating a new report. This can only be done when you open the stylesheet file in the Configuration Reports folder. SUGGESTIONS: Suggestion 1: We add a too...
14 days ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Responsive Frameset or canvas

To create a newer modern navigation we need a responsive Frameset. Please check OnePlatform navigation or Best Practice Accelerator navigation. This navigation page (view in screenshots) is used in most customer projects. It is not responsive or m...
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration

Full Screen Option Mobile App

I have generated a link to a web report in the standalone mode and unchecked everything in the interface section. However, when I click the link on my mobile and it opens up in the mobile app it shows the report title on top. Can you please add a ...
21 days ago in Jedox Platform / Mobile App 0 Future Consideration

Show error message when user inputs an invalid search term in Canvas search.

Enter an invalid search term in the Canvas search bar. Observe that system just shows a blank box, no warning message. Expected behavior: If the user's search term does not yield any result, the system should ideally show an error message such as ...
14 days ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Move options Run and Data preview to the very left of the transform/load options bar

Move options Run and Data preview to the very left of the transform/load options bar. I spend half of my life as a Jedox consultant with scrolling to the right ;)
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Integrator 2 Planned

Data Preview in Modeler Cubes

It would be amazing to see a data preview on cubes in the modeler like a tabular view in the integrator with data preview and max rows. For testing and debuging I would really often use this - but now I have to download the cube each time if I wan...
14 days ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration

Give only the admin group a D right for newly created databases

Currently every group of the user that is creating a new database (= database in modeler and also every new rgrp or fgrp) will get a D right for the newly created database. For security reasons every user on our platform is asigned to an azure gro...
4 months ago in Jedox Platform / Access & Rights Management 0 Future Consideration

Development life cycle (Deployment, Versioning, GIT, Comment, Testing,)

Hello Together, as a developer, I would like to be able to have a native development life cycle within jedox that enables me to synchronize specific components between my servers. Additionally, these changes should be tracked and commented. Compon...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration / Jedox Cloud 2 Future Consideration