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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Status Future consideration
Workspace Jedox Platform
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 13, 2022

Add a way to see Designer's group folders and their absolute path in the storage(cloud or onpremise)

In the designer there is group folder each one can contain other folder and even files, those files are stored somewhere. Most of the time the "somewhere" is a folder in the jedox server called something like "fgrp1" or "fgrp2", but we can't be precise with those folder's names. The designer should have a button that call "Show internal path" that shows a table with 2 columns the first one should be "Group folder name" and the second one should be "Internal path". This table should be accessible in the Integrator, but the best you can do is create a cube that store those values with a dimension "group folder" and a dimension "path". This will help us to make treatment in the integrator and designer.

The button "Show internal path" could be part of the drop down list containing "New folder group", "Refresh folder group", ...

It would be perfect if the table is editable, so we could decide the path we want to store designer files, if we change the path by changing the "fgrp1" for "GroupFolder1" it will copy "fgrp1", rename the copy to "GroupFolder1" and then delete "fgrp1". With this process we could have a more meaningful name to our folder

    Dec 16, 2022

    Thank you for your great idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog. If you can add further information about the context of this feature, please add it here so we can evaluate it more fully.