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Jedox Ideas

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Status Future Consideration
Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Integrator
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 5, 2023

Scheduler Job when copying from one instance to another

With the "Jedox Instance Synchronization" feature, users can copy information from one instance to another, including the scheduler.

After copying from the test environment to the live environment, the problem arises when the scheduler in the test environment remains active and continues running.

It would be beneficial if a mechanism were implemented to determine whether a job is executed in the test or live environment. If it's identified as being in the test environment, the scheduled job should be automatically canceled.

To be more precise, it's crucial to make decisions not only at the scheduler level, but ideally for individual jobs as well.

While certain daily jobs must continue to run to maintain the environment's currency, others should be deactivated, especially those that load external SQL tables, as this is not desirable when working with test data.

  • Admin
    Stefan Veličković
    May 3, 2024

    Hi Wilson,

    Thanks for your idea. I think there is a workaround for what are you trying to achieve. Usually, you can execute the job based on some parameter. That parameter can be a simple value in DB like Setting for Scheduler. This setting can be set to 0 before the job is run and then it can be set to 1 once it is done. Now, before running any job you can just check if the value is 0 or 1. If it is 1 don't run it or just execute some LOG.INFO and if it is 0 then execute it.