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Jedox Ideas

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Status Planned
Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Views
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 24, 2024

Direct Integration of Dynatables/Views into Canvas Dashboards


Extend the planned functionality of Dynatables in Canvas by allowing you to integrate newly created Dynatables directly into existing Canvas dashboards in the Dynatable area. This feature is designed to streamline workflows and improve user efficiency by allowing seamless linking of dynatables and dashboards without having to leave the dynatable creation interface.

Current functionality:

The current plan is for users to first open a Canvas dashboard and then integrate the Dynatable component to create a Dynatable or use an existing Dynatable. There is no direct method to add a Dynatable to an existing Canvas dashboard directly from the Dynatable creation area.

Suggested improvement:

Introduce a feature in the dynatable creation area that allows users to select an existing canvas dashboard where they would like to save or integrate the newly created dynatable. This could be implemented as a button or menu option in the dynatable creation interface.