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Jedox Ideas

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Status Future Consideration
Workspace Jedox Platform
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 2, 2019

drill-down level of dynarange with variable

Enable drill-down begin of a dynarange not only by "hardcoded" number, but with a variable. So you could easily set up the expansion levels.
  • Guest
    Dec 30, 2024

    Would be great to have this request implemented soon. I was asked several times for this by our colleagues.

  • Guest
    Sep 11, 2023

    This Feature would be nice to have. Especially when working with PnL Dimensions this would be helpful. PnL Dimensions often times have different depth of levels and also multiple levels. So as a planner it would be nice to have the option in a planning report to have an expand all/collapse all/choose level start option which could all be done if the drill-level in the dynarange setting is variable.

  • Guest
    Mar 29, 2023

    Fully agreed, feature would be appreciated.

  • Guest
    Jan 11, 2023

    I agree to the other contributors here.

    Our use case would be as well to have a "collapse all" or "expand all" funtionality for a dynarange which allows a long list of items in a dynarange to be expanded to the next hierarchy level by only one click. And to avoid individually clicking on all items and expand them individually.

    Endusers in our house are really looking for such a feature to ease their work.

    And the propose workaround with the HFILTER is leading to the situation that users are trying to click on a high level item and this does not open as only this level is shown.

    Therefore, I strongly underline the requirement of my previous speakers.

  • Guest
    Dec 16, 2021

    I agree with the last comment. The HFilter shows only e.g. Level 2 to 4.
    But the "Drill down, begin as level" defines the starting point. This feature would enable us to implement a checkbox: Uncheck: Show only 3 levels (report opens fast for large Dimensions) or check and show all elements.

    With the "Drill down..." as a user I can still double click on level 4 and itdrills down instead of to filter until level 4 only.

  • Guest
    Jun 1, 2021

    I agree, HFILTER is not a solution. It filters the deepest level and user cannot open it anymore.

    It is necessary to change the property "Drill down, begin as level" by variable.

    Please implement this.

  • Guest
    Feb 8, 2021

    I also think, that in some scenarios the variable can help to get a "perfect" simple report.

    HFilter or Combobox on the same dimension can be used to achieve the similar results, but it is not the same. All or nothing, agree :(

    Our workaround was to make a copy of the same report with two different initial levels for the DynaRange + hyperlinks to switch between them.

  • Guest
    Dec 14, 2020

    The suggested HFilter approach is not really helping.

    The intention of the feature request is to control the initial expansion level dynamically
    while at the same time keeping the possibility to expand a certain node later on .. e.g. for deeper analysis.

    However the HFilter approach justs sets the visible range for the whole tree -> all or nothing.
    Thats brutally inelegant compared to modern analysis needs.

    Imagine you have 10 main balance sheet positions .. and you need to go into detail for just
    the last position. HFilter would increase the level of detail for all 10 positions ..and you will start scrolling.....

  • Admin
    Dominik Lenz
    Jun 5, 2020

    Thanks for the idea. This feature has been evaluated by us and we will not implement it at this time. It is possible to achive a similar effect by setting the maximum level of indention in the DynaRange property to a high value, and then controlling the amount of actually visible levels by parametrizing the HFilter in the DynaRange's subset.

  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2019
    That is a very good point. With a variable function it es possible to open and close the hole DynaRange by Buttons or something else.

DynaRange property "Drill down begin at level ...." can be changed using variable or named range

Enable the DynaRange properties "Drill down begin at at level ....." to be set using a parameter (named range/ variable/ constant value).
5 months ago in Jedox Platform / Web Spreadsheet 0 Future Consideration

Drilldown in Dynarange - add flexibilty

In a dynarange, you can select that the drilldown shall start e.g. at level 4. In hierarchies with different level structures (e.g. chart of accounts, on level 4 there are already some base elements as well as nodes). It would be great to be able ...
over 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Views 0 Future Consideration