Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
We would like to use "openxlsx2" or "xlsx" or any other similar "R" package to generate well formatted Excel files, expected by customers, from Integrator "RScript" transform . We expect, we will be able, among other things, too :
- create workbook(s)
- add sheet(s) (in loop, e.g. for each "Legal entity" create new sheet , insert data from Jedox and format cells)
- define styles and format (headers, data cells, borders,)
- insert charts
- save workbook using customized file names to FileSystem and Designer location.
Thanks for the idea. This feature has been evaluated by us and we will not implement it at the moment.
Hi Vladislav,
Thanks for the idea. I was wondering if this request was ever done from your side perhaps on-premise or in Groovy? we would like to understand the flow of work, what exactly are you trying to achieve? Since these libraries could interfere with out security policies, we would need to access them first. But if we would understand what exactly are you trying to do in general we could perhaps give a different approach as well. In case you dont want to share your work flow publically here, you can always send me and email.
Thanks for the udnerstanding.