Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!
As integrator projects became more and more complex, it would be useful to display the creator, modifier, created and modified date and if it is possible last import date (when it was imported into a certain environment) in integrator components. If we list transforms, these items could be filtered so we could see what components changed lets say in the last 2 days, this would imporve maintenance and development and deployment processes.
Thank you for your great idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog. So far we support modifier and modified date but sort is missing. We assume your main goal is to sort latest changed etls here?
Hi, thanks for the consideration, of my idea :) For me it would be logical if you click on transforms, you see the list of transforms, but in the column selection, you cant choose the create/modified date and users. It would be a big help if we can list these columns too, or filter on those columns. For example if we would like to see what has been changed in the last 1 day (for debug or deploy purposes). Furthermore, If the import date is stored for a specific component (or the whole integrator project) that would be a very useful info if you would like to see what was the last time an integrator project or component was imported from xml. It is usually vital after deployment in larger projects where you might have 10-20 integrator projects and 2-3 consultans developing at the same time and deployment cannot be done in phases.
If you have any question pl do not hesitate.