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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Provide dedicated version description fields for integrator projects and modeller objects

Currently, we use the standard description fields in integrator projects, cubes, and dimensions

for 2 purposes:

1.) General information about the structure and function of the project or cube/dimension

2.) Documentation of changes (2025/03/17 John Doe bugfix xyz / new elements added .. )

But as we have currently only one field for both types of information it is not very readable.

It would be better to see both information in parallel. (general information and latest changes)

The solution would be either a dedicated field for versioning/description of changes.

..or just a second description field.

Thanks for evaluating this request :)


    Mar 21, 2025

    Thank you for your great idea. While we cannot commit to a specific target version, we will consider adding it to our future internal backlog. If you can add further information about the context of this feature, please add it here so we can evaluate it more fully.