It is very helpful that Jedox has implemented the first semi-additive measures in version 6.
(AVG, Last/First Child)
It would be great if this could be continued by 2 more of them:
Most important would be AverageNonEmpty, to get an avarage only across children, who have a real value.
Another one would be LastNonEmpty, which should give you in a certain time period the last real value.
.. if you monitor price changes or inventories, it should give you the last price or the last stock value for each product in a year
(independent if this value is located in Jan, Feb, March or whatever month).
..a further example would be:
get the aggregated volume of the last purchase of each customer.
(The point of time of the last purchase is probably a different one for each customer.
One customer did his last purchase just 1 month ago, another might have had the last purchase 9 month ago or longer)
NonEmpty related to the current Jedox version means actually Non-Zero, as there is no real empty state for cells currently.
But if "empty" will be implemented in future versions, then the aggregation should be real NonEmpty.
In addition to first/last and average it would be helpful to have the functions max() and min() as well available.
As these are of the same type as avg() it shouldn't be a big issue.