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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!

Status Not Planned
Workspace Jedox Platform
Categories Integrator
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 29, 2019

Flexible Tree Transform with Filter and Concatenation

Today, many different technical fields are needed for creating hierarchies in Dimensions. As Jedox needs a unique element for different consolidations in hierarchies, I find it often to be the case to have a lot of fields just for that purpose.

Suggestion: implement a flexible tree transform to make up for that an include the possibility to
a) filter columns
b) concat data fields (maybe a fixed number of 3)
in the table transform.

=> This would make the ETL cleaner and easier to read (less reverse-engineering what elements are needed / what purpose they have). Jedox-specific data fields for consolidated elements would be not as needed as now.