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Jedox Ideas

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Function / rules feature that allows to retrieved saved db value in rule determined cell

I would like a function or rule feature that allows to retrieved saved db value in rule determined cell.

Use case is like having a cell calculated unless somebody enters an alternative value. This would allow us to avoid having another measure for overriding input that is then evaluated in the rule.

I'm thinking something like EXIST(), where a second argument could be boolean for "disregard rule value", i.e. read only the save value even if rule returns a value.

    Mar 4, 2022

    Thanks for the idea. This feature has been evaluated by us and we will not implement at this time.

  • Guest
    Sep 11, 2020

    Thanks for the response. I know of the stet(), however, this is limited for the current calculation target area. I would really like to be able to reference another areas "stored value"


  • Admin
    Dominik Lenz
    Jun 6, 2020

    Thanks for sharing this. I think what you are looking for should however be possible already. In a rule, you can use the STET() function to get the actuall cell value of the cube cell that is currently being calculated. So, you could use something like IF(STET = ...) and then continue with your actual rulese depending on the value returned by STET(). Can you check if this meets your requirements?