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Jedox Ideas

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Status Not Planned
Workspace Jedox Platform
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 17, 2020

Refactor the design of method ->value

the design of the method value() in the macro engine should be improved. It returns a different type depending of the arguments passed to the range() property. Example:

activesheet()->range('A1')->value => returns a string // this is correct, user/developer explicitely wants a single value or string

activesheet()->range('A1:A6')->value => returns an array // this is correct, user/developer explicitely wants an array of values or strings

activesheet()->range('A1:A1')->value => returns a string // this in INCORRECT, user/developper expects a single-element array

when using the method in macros you face the following problem:

for ($i=1;$i<10;$i++) {

$currentValue = activesheet()->range('A1:A' . $i)->value;

the first iteration returns a string, when the following will return an array. a test has to be performed to check whether the returned variable is an array or a string.

such design (a method returning different types depending on the argument passed) is explicitely considered as a bad practice by ooo PHP developers

    Feb 18, 2022

    Thanks for the idea. This feature has been evaluated by us and we will not implement at this time.