Investgate the cause of crash from crashdump, log file
Issue : Currently, can't investigate the cause of crash server from crashdump, log file.
In order to investigate the cause, we need the following information
1. Jedox log folder.
2. Crash dump files.
3. requests.txt file (Jedox Suite\olap\data).
Ability for users to download offline copies of the database for reporting that they can query locally. This is a feature that MIK-ONE had and is a stumbling point for many of our customers who have field based staff who quite often have no intern...
When I use datepicker, date format don't change.
I want date format to change from default(mm/dd/yyyy) to other format(for example,"yyyy-mm-dd", "yyyy/mm/dd" and so on) for date picker.
In Cloud environment Jedox admin must be able to start / restart or stop Jedox services. But the administration of the server often is another person or even company. Thus there are many loss and delays due to communication. I suggest a management...
Column and Row Groups with Expand & Collapse (+/-) like in MS Excel
In MS Excel you can easily create column and row groups by just marking the respective area. Then you have [+]/[-] buttons outside the grid to expand & collapse these groups.
It would be great to have this functionality also in Jedox Excel.
cell comment in Jedox web worksheet automatically from Attribute
In our reports we often show codes e.g. for areas or items.
Often we also need to show descriptions of those codes which takes lots of space.
I often wished I could just show the description as mouse over of the cell which shows the code. Like th...
Splashing with integer values: entering integer value as splashing value, and rounding all base values to integers too (scale it according to current value) should be possible. #13541
Make the Task Manager persistence layer accessible
Let's make the Task Manager persistence layer (H2 Database) easily accessible:
- Easily automate tasks creation / administration
- Migration of tasks from server to another one