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Financial Consolidation Model

Showing 28

Sample data and reports for notes in the Finanical Consolidation model

The sample configuration should be extended by some sample configuration and sample data for notes and according reports

Protect cube cells in the Financial Consolidation model on database level for completed workflow activities

In the current implementation workflow (including the protection of changing cell values and executing procedures) is implemented in designed web reports. Users using views, the Excel add-in or other methods to access database cells can bypass the...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 1 Future consideration

Execute the Bring Balances Forward procedure for multiple reporting periods at once in the Finanical Consolidation model

Extend the bring balances forward procedure to populate the opening balances for multiple reporting periods of the same fiscal year from the same prior closing period with one execution.

Capture inventory by products to compute unrealized profit by products

Extend the storage to capture inventory from intercompany trades by products or product groups. Data should be captured from input screens. Capture percentage margin by a percentage margin by the legal entity, partner entity and product combinatio...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 0 Planned

Excel reporting package for the Financial Consolidation model

Provide an Excel template for collection of separate financial statements for one entity and in one reporting period. Add a self-service interface for end users to upload separate financial statements using this template.

Storage, input screens and import interface for data by operating segments, geographical areas and other custom dimensions in the Finanical Consolidation model

The database should be extended by a storage of data in local charts of accounts by operating segments, geographical areas and other custom dimensions. Data should be captured from input screens.

Storage, input screens and import interface for trial balances in the Financial Consolidation model

The database should be extended by a storage of trial balances in local charts of accounts. Data should be either imported from a file in a standard format or/or captured from input screens. The input screens should cover values for ledger account...
over 3 years ago in Jedox Core Models / Financial Consolidation Model 0 Future consideration

Designed web reports for master data maintenance to the Finanical Consolidation model

Provide designed web reports to add, inspect, modify and remove master data items such as legal entities, scopes, accounts, transaction types, currencies, etc.