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Jedox Ideas

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Workspace Jedox Core Models
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 28, 2021

Storage, input screens and import interface for data by operating segments, geographical areas and other custom dimensions in the Finanical Consolidation model

The database should be extended by a storage of data in local charts of accounts by operating segments, geographical areas and other custom dimensions. Data should be captured from input screens.

  • Guest
    Apr 6, 2022

    It would be great to have data entry screens/reports like in planning demo to adjust the figures in balance sheet or in profit and loss.

    • e.g. a main report of balance sheet and p&L and some further detailed data entry reports with the movement tables or intercompany transactions

    That would be give an added value for a demo where you can show a data entry in a schedule and check the impact to the consolidated level of a balance sheet or a p&l. Morevover you can simulate a validation rule after a change.

    Maybe as well an overview of the validation rules (all impacted rules by version) would be helpful where you can check the validation errors/warnings by responsible package/entity.

