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Jedox Ideas

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Cloud Console & Administration

Showing 35

Web-based SFTP file browser in the Jedox Cloud console

Today, administrators need access to Jedox SFTP server to upload large files. This is also true for uploading large database backups. File Designer does not allow to upload large files (see idea In ...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 1 Future Consideration

OLAP access restrictions

Currently, cloud console users can create security rules that restrict inbound traffic, allowing connections only for the specified IP addresses or IP ranges (IP whitelisting). See also:
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration / In-Memory DB 0 Already exists

Make the patch information information available | Notify - in Jedox Cloud Console

Context: admins from our partners in France would want to have patch information available in cloud console every time a patch is applied. Rationale: Admins would like to have access to patch information in order to properly plan ahead and manage ...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Future Consideration

Hold on patches/upgrades toggle in Cloud Console

Admins want more control over patches and upgrades that are currently automatically applied to their environments. They would like a toggle that holds off upgrades of any sort until they decide they are ready to receive the latest greatest. If a f...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Future Consideration

Admins alerts email field or SMS Texts

Admins of Jedox are not always getting the information they need on Emergency Patches, Downtime alerts, and planned enhancements, etc. It would be good to allow the admins to enter a field in the Cloud Console all the people that should be notifie...
10 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Future Consideration

Whitelisting IPs for more than one instance

We have three instances (dev,test,live) and whitelisting IPs has to be done for each instance anew. It would be convenient to list all the IP(-range)s and have a tickbox to flag an IP to be whitelisted for one instance or not. e.g.: CIDR dev-mycom...
11 months ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Future Consideration

Disabling feature for Access list in Cloud console

The Cloud console lets you add new access rules for IP filtering. Once created, rules can be edited or deleted, but they cannot be temporarily disabled. It would be useful to add a button to enable or disable a rule.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 1 Future Consideration

Add GCM cipher to console VPN configuration

Users are currently using CBC cipher for phase1 and phase2 encryption and they require the GCM cipher
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Future Consideration

CPU usage in Cloud Console does not show the number of cores

We need to understand how many Cores are avilable to get any use out of the CPU usage KPI. 70 % usage on two core is a lot different from 70% usage of 16 core.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Planned

% RAM used in Cloud Console needs to note how much RAM is available

You note the RAM usage in the cloud console, but how much total RAM is available it not shown. So it is an imcoplete KPI for decision making.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Cloud Console & Administration 0 Planned