More Chart Types and Better Annotation & Exception-Based Reporting Capabilities
Please add more chart types, such as the following, which are very popular on other reporting platforms and a glaring omission on the Jedox platform after so many years: Combination Chart: bars + line on same graph with dual y axes Tornado and Fun...
Add the ability to create a new subset (Private or Public) in the Select Elements UI. This is where most people would want to create a quick picklist without having to go into modeler. This would really be handy(and is how TM1 does it now)
Keep the button properties (background, font) when clicking on it (web and Canvas)
I'd like it if, when the user clicks on a button, that same button could keep its properties (background, font, etc.) and not be displayed again by default. A bit like checkboxes that keep the tick displayed when you click on them.
It should be possible to choose and smooth line chart or a spline chart. Especially when showing a trend, it is often more appealing to the eye, if the lines in a chart are more 'round' A spline-chart solves this issue. Currently it is only possib...
Allow separator lines and decorations (shapes) in reports and canvas
Labels are sometimes used as bars and/or decorations of reports and dashboards. Sometimes you require a lower height height than 20px to show a thin bar. Borders in Canvas help, but does not solve all use cases.
Canvas - buttons - hide show - on top of each other
Background: I would like to show a specific button depending on a combobox variable. If the combobox shows A, a button should be shown. (which executes 2 tasks)If the combobox shows B, another button should be shown. (which executes 3 other tasks)...
Prevent saving view as "global" / public if it contains private subsets
Users can select a "private" subset to use in a View for one of the view's dimensions. Since the subset is private, it's only usable for that specific user. If they would now save this View as "global" (meaning, all other users can see & open ...
Add 'format data series' dialog to every dynamic chart
Currently in almost every dynamic chart you have the possibility to format its chart series by rightclicking on a series and select 'format data series'.
But in the meter chart for example this does not apply. You are not able to edit these data ...
why is it not possible to custom set the border in canvas? I only can pick left right left and right top bottom etc. but not all possible combinations?! why??! Idea: add all possible combinations, or just add the standard border menu where i can j...
Add the possibility to overlap all canvas elements. e.g. overlap two buttons and switch them via visibility. This gives a lot of flexibility. Best case would be to add layers in canvas so that you can adjust them easy (Just as in Photoshop).