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Jedox Ideas

Let us know how we can make Jedox even better!


Planning & Analytics

Showing 212

scale to fit screen size

It would be super helpful if the reports are shown to the user fit to their respective screen. There is rarely one screen size used in a company, and that way one could see the whole report zoomed in or out without having to use scroll bars
over 5 years ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / Jedox Web Navigation 1 Future Consideration

Dynatables/Views - Show attribute values (Category/Region) next to the rows (Employee)

Often a table shows next to the Dynarange (Employees) some attributes like Category, Region, ... and then the values like FTE/Headcount, Salary are shown. This is a combination of data from a data cube (Personnel costs) and an attribute cube (#_Em...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Views 1 Future Consideration

Add Actions to KPI Card

Adding Actions to KPI card would lead to greater consistency in Canvas, and via the Hyperlink action would allow you to switch from the KPI card to a Spreadsheet or Canvas report dedicated to the followed indicator.
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 2 Future Consideration

Canvas - Add macros for buttons

Use case: I cannot execute the following use case using Action buttons, therefore I need macros. I can only execute a button if specific terms are met. Or I need to loop through multiple months to set data and it needs to check parameters for each...
6 months ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Subsets: Multiple Attribute Filters

We would like to filter on two different attributes of a dimension by using named ranges. In the attribute tab of a subset, it would therefore be great to have the option to add multiple filters (as it is already possible in the hierarchy, picklis...
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Web Spreadsheet 2 Already exists

"+" button for expandable cells

Implementing a "+" button on any expandable cell in a report. As an example, expandable cells in a view are bolded to suggest this. This idea involves adding a "+" button in the cell to be more intuitive and to expand the cells by pressing it.

Import custom fonts into Jedox

It should be possible to import your own fonts into Jedox. This would be necessary as part of the corporate design specifications.
9 months ago in Jedox Platform / Charting & Visualization 3 Future Consideration

Maps integration

For dashboards and data visualisation, our customers are using maps (google, ESRI, OpenStreetMap, etc) as data visualisation tools. For example, if you have a store, and customer dimension, you could have Latitude-longitude attributes, based on wh...
about 1 year ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas / Charting & Visualization / Jedox Web Navigation 2 Future Consideration

DOM Tree/ component selector

Often it is not easy to see all the components on a canvas, especially if they are a bit more complex. Furthermore, hidden objects are not visible on the canvas by default. To make the canvas more accessible to the user, a hierarchical object tree...
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration

Expression editor

Like other low/no code platforms, the approach to directly edit properties of components on the canvas through expressions is super helpful. n To simplify this for users an editor, which offers available objects/properties (in form of a data picke...
about 1 month ago in Jedox Platform / Canvas 1 Future Consideration