Parquet file format is a type of csv where the data is laid out in a columnar fashion, instead of rows. We should have native support for this.
Possibility to add the separator for aggregation type -> group concatenation. It could be ,.;[]#XX!, etc. Currently, the separator by default is coma ",". Sometimes we need to do a step after where we split things in columns based on the separa...
Publishing a report / application in a separate window and prevent re-login after log out
we have the case, that we give our sales team access to a planning application, but we won't give them access to the suite. so the became a link and the application opens in a separate window. but when they log out, the log in mask automatically a...
The personal ID should be automatically created during setup of a new employee. Optional Pre/Postfix of the planning circle should be included in the ID.
Save button from Integrator does not save name of the component
When editing the default name of a component in Integrator you must press Enter in order for the change to be applied. It should be also saved when clicking the Save button
Based on different Measures, some OLAP systems offer the ability to aggregate not based on sums, but for example to take the last (filled) value of an aggregation (storage value for last month of a quarter). In MS Analysis Server, this is called "...