Better calculation stack when tracing a rule calculated cell with overlapping rules
In complex planning situations, separate rules calculating identical cube areas are required, using CONTINUE and STET statements. This has the advantage of separating out logic branches to make calculations easier to read in the Rules Editor in Mo...
As part of the field transform, it would be helpful if the net working days selection option could be provided as an additional unit in the DateDuration function and this would output the number of weekdays between two dates.
I'd like to see an option to put groups under a hierarchical structure. This could be extremely useful for jedox rights e.g. group_dimension_data. At the moment i've to grant or revoke access to dimensions for each group. If we could have a hierar...
Integrator Action: Add timer in modal feedback window
When the modal integrator window is selected, it would be very helpful to have a timer here as well that calculates hh:mm:ss for the process to run. This would give better feedback to the users, particularly with long running processes :
Active by default - option "Allow multiple parents with a single hierarchy" in Dimension upload wizard"
It can be less dangerous to set the option "Allow multiple parents with a single hierarchy" active by default when elements are uploaded to the dimension. We have encountered several issues when hierarchies with multuple parents were destroyed, be...
Reports sometimes have a lot of columns and it's hard to recognize the whole row, especially if the cells are locked. It would be very helpful to highlight the row on mouse hover as it is now in Modeler dimension view.
When someone created a schedule, it should also be added somewhere in the logs so that it will be easy to create within the organization if we have more than one person with admin accounts
Hi Team, Recently I encounter an issue, where someone with admin account created a schedule job with changed time and username, due to audit purpose we need to identify how did that as we have more than one account having admin rights. But as jedo...
When opening a report fails or is too slow, for example, due to a macro running on startup, it would be helpful to have a safe mode to open the report ignoring actings, macros, etc. This could help fix the report.