Correct hierarchical sorting when using several groups
when using several groups allocated to a user that have different access rights on elements of a hierarchy, the dimensions elements will not be rendered properly (e.g. show base elements as consolidated ones)
the underlying problem is that the hi...
HR - Add Wizard to shift data from one cost center to another
Add Wizard to shift data from one cost center to another. As a user I want to define when one employee moves from one cost center to the other. The list of changes is great, but a wizard would be beneficial too.
I would like to propose the option that licenses is added / removed dynamically when assigning it to users. This way a customer will have less need to buy new license ad-hoc when running out, and they can save money when not needing the licenses. ...
when downloading OLAP Snapshot (via button action), is there a possibility to set some popup window with info for the end-users that the file is still downloading? Similar as we have for action Integrator (part "Feedback"). Some workbooks exports ...
Resources of a workbook added to canvas should automatically bring over the resources to the canvas it was brought into.
When adding a workbook with a resource assigned to it. That resource should automatically be assigned as a resource to the canvas workbook to which it was brought.
Sometimes SVS Scripts are using Subsets for the definition of InitCubeWorker functions. These will result in an error if the database has a loading delay. Therefore, the SVS will not start and users can't log in anymore. We need a function that we...
Right now it is not possible to filter on text in the "Filter condition for cube value" part in Cube extracts. A TableView is needed for that, what is waste of resources (you have to pull all and filter there).
Mapping tables for the Bring Balances Forward procedure
The current Bring Balances Forward procedure maps the T999 Closing transaction type from the prior reporting period always to T000 Opening of the current reporting period. All balance sheet accounts are always brought forward to the indentical acc...