When creating ETL project, a lot of debugging is needed. At this moment to check if data is correct, I'm exporting data to CSV right from DataPreview vindow. The problem - it exports only data visible on screen.
Sure - with BIG data, it is ok.
Provide Excel/Office Add-in only installer binaries as download
In order to install Jedox Excel add-in for end users, we are currently forced to download the full install package. On some end users, like in India, this can take up to 3 hours to download.
Further, we often see that customers IT departments ins...
Excel 365 addin: Expand dimension to show all elements
It is currently not possible to automatically expand a Total Element of a dimension to all children. Meaning in a hierarchy with 3 or 4 levels, I have to open each and every consolidated element and thereafter mark all the elements. A possibility ...
Remember the last used cube in the database dialogs
For example, the Paste View dialog will remember the last database that was selected. This is remembered across new reports and sessions in the browser. Extend this support so that the cube is remembered also. When selecting cube in "Paste Data fu...
In the standard Excel Add-in it is possible to use a function PALO.ESELECT to visualize an element as well as change it by double-click. But in Excel 365 it does not work - just nothing happens. It is necessary to implement an element selection in...
Right now, auditing is only possible on data cubes. However, it should be possible on permission cubes as well, so that it can be tracked who granted/revoked which permission to a user etc. By the way: Auditing of attribute cubes would be sometime...