We currently have zero suppression, but I would like to propose suppress blank/null, so that summations is not suppressed even if the sum total is zero. Currently I can easily miss data that sums to zero
Expose the PHP functions in the spreadsheet functions
for instance I want to compare 2 ranges, I have a function: function arrayintersect($array1,$array2){ return array_intersect($array1,$array2);} this would be helpful if the array_intersect function would be directly accessible from the spreadsheet...
Dynarange --> control expand/collapse more dynamically (for each node individually)
Currently you can only control the initial expand/collapse of dynarange nodes by level -> e.g. expand whole dynarange up to level 3 . It would be great to set the initial expand/collapse state more individually for each element. . like this: . ...
Version Blending / Forecast Splashing: Centralized HOLD
I would like to be able to manipulate "HOLD" using rules and Integrator. Currently the users needs to use the Planning Assistant / right click in UI. But general hold is needed for Forecast scenario's like 3+9 to ensure splash works correctly, and...
The concatenate.range function is awesome! This would be even more awesome to have the opposite, say, "split.range", that would allow splitting a string regarding a delimiter (like PHP's explode(<string>,<delimiter>). This would return...
the design of the method value() in the macro engine should be improved. It returns a different type depending of the arguments passed to the range() property. Example: activesheet()->range('A1')->value => returns a string // this is corr...
Weighted Average option for mutiple element POV selection in pasteview
Jedox currently displays a straight average in a pasteview report when we select multiple element in a dimension. However it would be useful to have weighted average option that the report can display . In the below example we attempted to use mul...
Allow pasting array formulas in Macro Engine, using a method "FormulaArray" like in VBA, e.g.: activesheet()->range('D3:G3')->formulaArray = "=TRANSPOSE(C4:C7)";
More user guidance when using rule templates with list result in Rule Editor
Some query types for rule templates return a list of elements, for example the query "Dimension element like (list)". Variables with a list result can only be used in specific places in rules and require correct syntax. However, the Rule Editor st...